
Irish Life Health Benefit Changes 01.09.2022

Irish Life Health will have a number of benefit changes as of 01 September 2022: 


The EXOGEN therapy benefit will be added to the following plans: HealthGuide 1,  HealthGuide 2, HealthGuide 3 and HealthGuide 4.  The Medical and Surgical Appliances specific excess will reduce to €100 on a number of plans.  The day case excess in private and high-tech hospitals on BeneFit Access 300 will reduce to €100 per claim.  Irish Life Health will also add a GP visits benefit to a selection of level 1 plans, increase the cover for GP visits on a selection of level 1 plans and increase the number of psychiatric in-patient days covered on the majority of level 1 plans.


 These changes will apply to new and renewing members from 1st September 2022.