Irish Life Health New Plan Announcement, Price and Benefit Changes 01.11.2022
Irish life Health have announced the following changes as of 01.11.2022
Irish Life Health will launch 1 new plan on 1st November 2022 called 4D Evolution.
4D Evolution is prices at €1,877.80 per adult and €496.90 per child. Young Adult rates also apply.
Irish Life Health have announced prices changes on 3 plans Net Most 500 ILH, Net Most 500 ILH with Day to Day Most and Be Fit Life full details can be found at the bottom of the page below.
Finally Irish Life Health have announced the following benefit changes:
- A new benefit, Care Connect, will be added to the majority of hospital plans (excluding First Cover and First Cover Extra plans launched on 30th September 2022)
- Irish Life Health will add the Mental Health Guide benefit to a further 8 existing plans
- The Gender Affirmation benefit (formerly known as Gender Reassignment benefit) will increase on 4D Health 5, 4D Future, Be Fit Life, LiveWell and HealthGuide 2
- The Infertility benefit will increase on Be Fit Life
- Irish Life Health will remove reference to a point of sale discount on the Antenatal class benefit across the majority of plans
- The following benefits will move from the maternity section to the out-patient section on tables of cover: Foetal Screening, Infertility benefit and Post Natal Night Nurse Care across a number of plans and as a result of this change the Infertility benefit will be subject to the 6 months claims rule
- New Play Therapy, Dermatology and Laser Eye Surgery benefits will be added to Be Fit Life and LiveWell
- A new Personalised Package, “Screening Extra”, will be available on all 4D Health plans, Nurses & Teachers Choice 2, Nurses & Teachers Choice 3 and Better Select ILH
- Various benefit additions will also be made to selected Personalised Packages on the 4D Health range to include a Laser Eye Surgery benefit, Dermatology benefit, Play Therapy benefit and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for ADHD benefit
- Other benefit and contribution changes will be applied to the 4D Health plans such as Child Development, Menopause benefit, Menopause Mental Health Support, Dexa Scan, Mammogram and Mental Health Guide benefits, as well as the removal of the Dentist Visits benefit and replacement with Dentist Visits (routine treatment) and Dentist Visits (non-routine treatment) benefits. These changes vary across 4D Health plans and all changes do not apply to each 4D Health plan.
- Irish Life Health will also remove the Dentist Visits benefit and replace with Dentist Visits (routine treatment) and Dentist Visits (non-routine treatment) benefits on Nurses & Teachers Choice 2 and Nurses & Teachers Choice 3.
These changes will apply to new and renewing members from 1st November, except the addition of our new Care Connect benefit which will apply to new, renewing and existing members from 1st November.